Our Courses

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Good manners are essential for getting ahead in the business world. Business etiquette can help modern professionals land jobs, get promotions and establish relationships with others.
The Etiquette Society offers specific coaching that will help you master skills for success.
The Etiquette Society conducts training specifically designed for school leavers and those graduating from tertiary education.
In an extremely competitive business and tertiary market it helps to stand out from the crowd.
Business protocols have changed dramatically over the past decade, but there are specific skills modern professionals still need when presenting themselves in a business setting.
The Etiquette Society offers specific coaching relevant to those wanting to take the next career development step.
Interviews are one of the key elements of the job search process. Preparation and practice are essential.
In this course, we will help you prepare a real interview and become familiar with the types of questions to expect.
We live in a culture that places incredible value on wine and food knowledge, and if you can hold your own in conversation about wine styles and food matching, you’re certainly set to impress.
Enjoyed in the context of a relaxed wine tasting session, we will guide you through the wine fundamentals.
At the Etiquette Society, we believe that successful people know that you achieve goals through relationships.
This one-hour course will give you the confidence and the skills you need to build your internal and external networks.